There is a profound Japanese saying:

"If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they'll fly away. But if you spend time making a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come."
At first glance, this might sound like an elegant reflection on nature, but hidden within these words is a powerful truth for entrepreneurs.
In the world of business, many spend their time desperately chasing money, opportunities, and success—only to find them slipping further away. But those who dedicate themselves to creating something truly valuable, something magnetic, soon find that wealth and opportunities come naturally.
This is the difference between chasing and attracting.
The Illusion of Chasing Success
It’s easy to fall into the trap of chasing butterflies—constantly pursuing the next big deal, the next investment, or the next hack that promises overnight success. Many entrepreneurs run after money, clients, or fame, thinking that the more they chase, the closer they will get. I know I was like that. Always feeling that chasing down opportunities is the way to close another deal, another client, another contract.
But success doesn’t work that way.
The more desperate you appear, the less attractive your business becomes. Potential customers sense when you are focused on taking rather than giving. Investors recognize when you are more concerned with securing funding than building something truly great. Employees see when you’re after short-term wins instead of long-term impact. Yes, people can smell desperation, and the smell is not sexy.
Chasing success is exhausting. And worse, it rarely leads to the results you desire.
The Power of Building a Garden
Instead of chasing butterflies, build a garden.
In business, your “garden” is the value you create. It’s the foundation of your company, your brand, and your long-term vision. The most successful entrepreneurs don’t run after opportunities—they cultivate an environment where opportunities naturally appear.
So, how do you build a garden that attracts success?
(yes there's a step zero)
Create a visual foundation for your company. Landing page, social media, accounts, processes, pricing. Never finish refining it.
1. Create Real Value
Build a product or service that genuinely solves a problem. Focus on serving your customers in a way that improves their lives, and they will become your biggest advocates.
2. Master Your Craft
Instead of running from one get-rich-quick scheme to another, dedicate yourself to mastering your industry. Deep expertise and relentless improvement make your business irresistible to those who need what you offer. When you show up, and you will, you will be a step ahead of anyone else.
3. Develop Strong Relationships
The most successful entrepreneurs don’t just network—they build meaningful connections. When you create trust, loyalty, and respect, people will want to work with you, invest in you, and support your vision.
Tell the World About Your Garden (Marketing)
Even the most breathtaking garden can go unnoticed if no one knows it exists. Marketing is the art of inviting people to experience the beauty of what you’ve built. It’s not about shouting into the void or using aggressive sales tactics—it’s about storytelling, positioning, and visibility. Share your mission, showcase your value, and let people see why your business matters. When you market with authenticity and purpose, the right people will naturally be drawn to you. And remember, we're in the age of personal branding. People gravitate towards people more than the do to brands. So don't be afraid to put yourself out there.
5. Have Patience and Play the Long Game
A beautiful garden doesn’t bloom overnight. It requires patience, consistency, and faith in the process. Shortcuts might seem tempting, but true financial freedom comes from playing the long game—building assets, systems, and a reputation that grow over time. And yes it takes time. Heating the oven to 1000 degrees won't make the turkey ready any faster, and it will burn out. (see what I did there?)
The Butterflies of Financial Freedom
Entrepreneurship isn’t just about making money—it’s about creating something meaningful, something that lasts. When you focus on building a garden, financial success becomes a byproduct rather than the goal itself.
Investors come to you. Customers refer others to your business. Wealth flows into your life because you have built something that attracts it.
This is the secret to financial freedom: You don’t chase money. You create value, and money chases you. At the end of the day, you want to figure out what you're building for. For me it was never to accumulate cash, it was always about two things. Freedom, and helping our economy.
Final Thoughts
If you find yourself constantly chasing, stop. Shift your focus to building. Work on your craft. Build something worth talking about. Develop relationships based on trust and service, and never stop telling people about it.
Soon, without you even trying, the butterflies will come.
Show us your garden, mnaybe we'll invest in it or help you grow it.
Shout out to my brother Doron Dvir, the best online media buyer on the planet, for inspiring me to write this